Hello All, Please find an announcement that Louis AB8RI forwarded….John NU8M THE ARRL LAB: TRIALS, TRIBULATIONS AND (TALL?) TALES IEEE Southeastern Michigan: Chapter VIII (EMC) Southeastern Michigan IEEE EMC Chapter technical meeting. *** Note the Meeting Location:  Al Ameer Restaurant – Canton Sponsors:  NoiseKen & Measurement Instruments Date: 20 April 2017…

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HamCon, Great Lakes Amateur Radio Association – SLAARC Affiliation

Meeting Presentation During our February meeting, Larry Camp WB8R presented the first-ever Great Lakes Amateur Radio Association (GLARA) sponsored hamfest, planned to be held at the Michigan International Speedway (MIS).  GLARA is a new council of clubs, that would come together to support the MIS Hamfest (Great Lakes HamCom).  This…

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GLARA Donation Form

The donation form for the new Great Lakes Amateur Radio Association (GLARA) has been added to the SLAARC website.  Plese visit the Ham Links tab and click on GLARA to get to the page with the form.  The form is a PDF.  Those interested in using it need to download…

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