Presidents December Newsletter and January Meeting Announcement
Officers Elected for 2018
Hello All, The results of the election have been released. It took a whopping 3 minutes to nominate and vote on the officers for 2018. 2018 Officers President: John NU8M Vice-President: Mike W8XH Treasurer: Craig W8ELD Secretary: Harvey AC8NO Congratulations to the officers for 2018! SLAARC_November_2017_Special_Meeting_Minutes
Special Meeting Announcement for Officer Elections – Nov-18-2017
Hello All, We did no reach a quorum in the last regular meeting. Since we must elect officers for 2018, a special meeting must be called during our next club breakfast. Day: Saturday Time: 8:00 AM EST Place: Senate Coney Island, 25900 West Pontiac Trail, South Lyon MI, 48178 Room:…
November President’s Newsletter and Meeting Announcement
Drafting 2018 Calendar of Events
Hello All, We are creating the plan for 2018 . For example, we have Winter Field Day Jan, Presentation on Grounding and Bonding in March and K8MIS special event station multiple times next year. What are some of the topics or activities that would interest you for our club?
Great Lakes HamCon and K8MIS – Inaugural Events
Meeting Announcement and President’s Newsletter – October
Hello All, Welcome to Fall! We have our first meeting of Fall to discuss the major event for this time of year, the Great Lakes Ham Con. This includes our clubs support for the K8MIS special event station. Please find some more information in my newsletter. SLAARC Presidents Newsletter Oct-2017…
President’s Newsletter and Meeting Announcement – September
Special Meeting to authorize payment for Flea Market Space at GLHC
We will call a special meeting to authorize payment for Flea Market Space at the Great Lakes HamCon in October 7th and 8th. It will occur on Saturday, August 26th, 8:00 AM, at the Senate Coney Island, 25900 West Pontiac Trail, South Lyon MI, 48178 SLAARC Special Meeting Agenda Aug-26-2017
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