SLAARC 2018 Field Day Video – K8MRD
Mike K8MRD made a great video chronicling our Field Day…check it out and share. Thanks and 73
June President’s Newsletter and Meeting Announcement
Dayton Hamvention This was the second year for the Dayton Hamvention in Xenia, OH. It did rain, as in the previous year. This brought forth mud, but no as much as in thee previous year. The organizers addressed many of the issue last year with the traffic and mud in…
May President’s Newsletter and Meeting Announcement
President’s April Newsletter and Meeting Announcement
Spring is Coming – Still We continue to have tastes of Spring. March sort-of went, out like a Lamb, being chased by a Lion! As of this writing, we are having snow falling and melting upon hitting the ground. The still gives us all some time to do that important…
SLAARC Website Security Upgrade
The SLAARC website has been upgraded to use HTTPS with SSL as of 17 March 2018. Everything appears to be working, but if you encounter any kind of problem, please let me know. ~Bruce (K8BRF)
President’s March Newsletter and Meeting Announcement
Spring is Coming We keep having tastes of Spring. March has come in like a Lion, which means it should go out like a Lamb. I know that the February and March weather took out my HF antennas so March will mean some antenna work. Spring also means Siren testing…
SLAARC-N8SL Feb Meeting – Contingency for Poor Travel Conditions
We will asses the travel and road conditions by 4:00 PM Sunday, approximately 2 hours before people would begin to travel to the meeting on Sunday. If the road conditions are poor, we will cancel the meeting. We will send out an e-mail, announce it on the repeater and post…
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