Several different groups of SLAARC members attended the Findlay Amateur Radio Club Hamfest in Findlay, Ohio on Sunday, September 7, 2014. Here are a few photos.
- The main street looking back towards the gate.
- Hamfest HQ. The door prize ticket drum is to the left.
- The Hamfest entrance to the fairgrounds.
- I think this minivan needs more antennas.
- Mike (W8XH) and Steve (N8AR) checking out the tables by the entrance.
- Steve (N8AR) checks something out (right side of photo).
- Mike (W8XH) and Dave (K8ESQ) check out a vendor’s parts bins in the new building.
- Don (N8CAK) at one of the indoor vendor tables.
- Some pretty serious packaging for a go box style portable station.
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