Photographs from club activities and events are located under this menu tab by category and then by topic and/or date. Please use the menu structure to navigate to the photos of interest. When a photo gallery opens, click one of the thumbnail images to switch to the carousel viewer mode. When viewing in carousel mode there is a button (lower right) to view the current image at its full resolution.
Photo Gallery
SLAARC has participated in the annual ARRL Field Day for many years. Each year's event for which we have photographs is documented here on its own page. Please use the menu structure to navigate to the event/photos of interest.
Photos from SLAARC's participation in the MiQP contest are located here. Please use the menu structure to navigate to the year of interest. Information about the MiQP contest and SLAARC's participation can be found here.
SLAARC members are actively engaged in a variety of ham radio related projects. They are always working on their antennas, towers, and mobile installations (of course), but they also build, re-build, and repair electronics, work with Software Defined Radio (SDR), and build/use antenna analyzers and vector network analyzers. Descriptions and photographs of member projects will...
Many SLAARC members attend hamfests in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana including the world famous Dayton Hamvention, the largest annual gathering of amateur radio operators, equipment manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. Member photographs will be displayed here as they become available. Please use the menu structure to navigate to the event/photos of interest.
Photos from events that do not fall under one of our other categories, such as our year-end holiday celebration dinner, are located here. Please use the menu structure to navigate to the event/photos of interest.