Category: SLAARC News
July Activities
Field Day 2019
April Meeting Presentation – Allstar Node
Hello All, Gary KG8MM has provided a detailed set-up guide for those interested in an Allstar node. It is located in our Technical page as well as the Meeting Programs page
Mortty Review in April 2019 QST
March Club Meeting
Everyone, Because of the cancelation of February’s meeting due to the Weather, this month’s informational meeting will have last month’s agenda. Also, DON’T FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCKS FORWARD AN HOUR ON SUNDAY, MARCH 10TH. Meeting Announcement When: Sunday March 10th, 2019, 6:30 PM EDST Where: Witch’s Hat Depot – Freight House Agenda 6:30 –…
Presidents Message and Dinner Announcement
2019 Officers Elected during November Meeting
New Board of DIrectors for 2019
November Club Presentation – Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)
ARISS Webinar ARISS-proposal ARISS Suggested Equipment Set-Up ariss_ground_station Videos
November President’s Newsletter and Meeting Notice
Perfect Weather for Antenna Work The weather is turning and that means time for all the antenna work that was not done during the Summer. Current forecast is for wind and rain with potential for snow at the end of the week. We all know that antennas perform the best…
July Activities
Field Day 2019
April Meeting Presentation – Allstar Node
Hello All, Gary KG8MM has provided a detailed set-up guide for those interested in an Allstar node. It is located in our Technical page as well as the Meeting Programs page
Mortty Review in April 2019 QST
March Club Meeting
Everyone, Because of the cancelation of February’s meeting due to the Weather, this month’s informational meeting will have last month’s agenda. Also, DON’T FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCKS FORWARD AN HOUR ON SUNDAY, MARCH 10TH. Meeting Announcement When: Sunday March 10th, 2019, 6:30 PM EDST Where: Witch’s Hat Depot – Freight House Agenda 6:30 –…
Presidents Message and Dinner Announcement
2019 Officers Elected during November Meeting
New Board of DIrectors for 2019
November Club Presentation – Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)
ARISS Webinar ARISS-proposal ARISS Suggested Equipment Set-Up ariss_ground_station Videos
November President’s Newsletter and Meeting Notice
Perfect Weather for Antenna Work The weather is turning and that means time for all the antenna work that was not done during the Summer. Current forecast is for wind and rain with potential for snow at the end of the week. We all know that antennas perform the best…
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