Participation in N8SL Field Day from Home
Anyone interested in participating in the N8SL Field Day from home, please participate in the straw-pole:
Anyone interested in participating in the N8SL Field Day from home, please participate in the straw-pole:
The president of the Livonia Amateur Radio Club is working with the Operation face shield Ann Arbor group. If you are a maker, please check it out….Thanks
All SLAARC Club Members, Due to the current Coronavirus situation, there will be NO Saturday Morning Breakfast at Lil’ Chef in Brighton for the foreseeable future. I have contacted the Lil’ Chef and notified them that we would not be attending for now, and that I will notify them when…
The Salem-South Lyon District Library (SSLDL) has been elected to move forward to the next step for an ARISS contact. The club’s next step is to define the equipment plan for a Telebridge and generate technical events surrounding the event. The event will occur the week of June 29th, 2020….
The event is to introduce those to POTA! The equipment and the way to operate. No prior experience required! We plan to gather at the Hickory Shelter from 1 to 4 PM. Call out on the SLAARC repeater with any questions during the day of the event.
We have experienced a delay in processing the SLAARC October 26th VE session. Please contact us with questions……Thanks
Interested in activating a park, learning how to do it, or observe what it is? Come to Island Lake Rec area Saturday, November 23 between 1 and 4 PM to take part in the SLAARC park activation.
The following slate of officers were elected at the November Meeting President: Mike Sharpe W8XH Vice President: Mike Case W8MSC Secretary: Harvey Carter AC8NO Treasurer: Jerry Grimes K8GNG Board at Large: Elaine Atallah W8ELA Congratulations and Thanks for Serving
The Annual SLAARC Club Membership Meeting will take place: Sunday, November 10th, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. EDT at the Witch’s Hat Depot – Freight House. Agenda 6:30 – 6:40 p.m. Meet and Greet. Pass around the Sign In sheet. 6:40 – 6:45 p.m. Everyone introduces themselves. 6:45 – 7:00 p.m. Q & A, Swap and Shop,…
Please find a copy of the presentation presented by Gary N8RDF Added info from November meeting