2021 Winter Field Day

The SLAARC Event Committee is pleased to announce our 2021 Winter Field Day (WFD) club activity. It will occur January 30 from 14:00 to January 31 14:00 at Proud Lake Rec Area. The full club presentation is viewable from a recording at our last regular club meeting Printed Info from…

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SLAARC January Meeting

All SLAARC Members, On Sunday, January 10th, the SLAARC Monthly Informational Zoom Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. using the Zoom Virtual Meeting link provided to club members.  The topic of this month’s Meeting is Winter Field Day.  This will be presented by the Winter Field Day Committee,  and they…

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December Zoom Meeting

All SLAARC Members, It should be obvious to all of us, that due to the Coronavirus Lockdown in Michigan we will be unable to celebrate Christmas at Zuke Lake Tavern this year on Sunday, December 13th .  On the bright side, things are looking very favorable for this situation not lasting very much longer due to the anticipated availability…

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November Meeting – SLAARC Election – Batteries and Solar

All SLAARC Members, On Sunday 11-8-2020 at 6:30 p.m. the SLAARC November Virtual Informational Meeting will begin using the Zoom Virtual Meeting link below.   This will be our Annual Club Membership Meeting to nominate and elect the SLAARC Officers/Board Members for the year beginning January 1, 2021.  We will need a MINIMUM of 14 voting members present in the…

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August Meeting

All SLAARC Members, On Sunday 7-9-2020 at 6:30 p.m. the SLAARC August Virtual Informational Meeting will begin using the Zoom Virtual Meeting (contact us for link).  We will spend the first 15 minutes with general discussions about any topic you may want to bring up.  The next 15 minutes will cover any housekeeping…

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Updates to Groups.io

Two new subgroups were created in our Groups.io: current members and non-members. This was done as part of the synchronization with the current membership roster. Several current members were not part of the group and needed to be added, and we did not want to remove others that may be…

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