March Slow Scan TV Night

Upcoming Slow Scan TV Event – Tuesday, March 18 @ 7:00 PM

Join us for our next Slow Scan TV (SSTV) event on the N8SL 147.04+ PL110.9 repeater.

Event Format:

  • 7:00 PM – Check-ins Begin
    • Please provide your Callsign, Location, and whether you’d like to transmit an image.
  • 7:15 PM – First Round of Transmissions
    • The mode for this event will be Robot 36, allowing for multiple rounds.
    • When called by Net Control:
      1. Indicate that you’re ready to transmit.
      2. Unkey, send your image, and allow it to scan completely.
      3. Once finished, describe your image with some fun and interesting context!
    • We will repeat this process for each participant, aiming for two rounds per person.

For an SSTV refresher, check out Jerry K8GNG’s presentation:

Looking forward to seeing you on the air!

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