On April 11 our monthly SLAARC Zoom meeting will host a presentation by Rob Sherwood NC0B on Transmitter Spectral Purity. Rob is a world class expert on ham radio equipment performance. He is probably most famous for testing receiver performance and publishing “The List” for nearly four decades. Historically – if you wanted to know how a new radio would stack up – you checked Sherwood Engineering to find out. Rob has been reporting his latest findings for many years at the Dayton Hamvention and has recently retired and increased his availability for presentations to radio clubs. We are very fortunate to have a renowned expert of his caliber agree to do a Zoom presentation for our club!
I have attached Rob’s PDF file with a more detailed explanation of what his presentation will cover. This will allow you the chance to research the topics Rob will cover, and bring any questions you may have regarding practical applications of the material to the meeting for discussion.
Please contact us for the Zoom meeting link.
Mike Sharpe W8XH
SLAARC President