First, a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family from the South Lyon Area Amateur Radio Club! We hope that you have a pleasant and plentiful meal with those that mean the most in your life.
Second, a few quick updates for you as we round out the November month and head into Christmas Season:
–If you haven’t RSVP’d for the SLAARC Club Christmas Dinner, check your email on file with the club! We have over 30 folks registered already and we’re looking forward to socializing at Black Label Tavern this coming month. Details are in the email which was sent to all current club members.
–The N8SL Repeater (147.040 + 110.9) is back online due to some diligent work by club members W8KNX, N8AR and N8JRD. After a failure with the repeater controller early this week, the club rallied around the cause and visited the repeater site on a rainy Monday afternoon to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. As we continue to bring the repeater back online, you may notice some minor tweaks to the ID, Courtesy Tone, and general function. We’ll be listening for you there!
-The Holiday-Sale Season is upon us. If you’ve been waiting to buy that radio you’re lusting after, check out the SLAARC Discord “deal-discussion” channel for all the best finds on the web. A few of us have already found new radio gear we couldn’t live without…
73 for now, N8JRD
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