Year in Review
Winter Field Day
We had a great outing last January, getting three stations on the air, some satellite work, and a visit from a Scout troop.
Parks on the Air
We activation Island Lake Recreation Area so many times, we received an award…over 1000 QSO’s!
Summer Field Day
We ran with four stations, two voice, one digital and one mixed CW and digital.
Astronomy at the Beach
We set-up a station at the Astronomy at the Beach event and indroduced our club to many STEM interested attendees

First visitor
….and our Favorite Activity
Coffee, food and taking.

Meeting time
Thank You
I greatly appreciate all the wonder experiences and support received during my two years as President. I look forward to supporting Mike W8XH as President and a Big Thanks to Craig W8ELD for all his great work as Treasurer.
Dinner Time
When: 06:30 PM, Sunday, December 9th
Where: Zukey Lake Tavern
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